After providing her clinic to victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in her hometown of Newtown CT, Jody Murray was inspired to take part in multiple medical mission trips. One of these was with Project Buena Vista. She shares details of her journey in an article on the Lhasa OMS site.
In May 2018, Jody’s trip with Project Buena Vista began in Pilcopata, a village in the Manu Biosphere. In her article, Jody shares that she and her fellow practitioners treated over 105 patients in two days.
Their next stop was the Project Buena Vista property. Jody writes, “Buena Vista is a primitive, but wonderfully comfortable compound tucked away in some of the pretties jungles you’ll ever see.” Jody hiked 45 minutes each day from the huts in Buena Vista to the village of Salvacion where she treated leg dysfunction, Bell’s palsy, and many wounds.
“I loved this outreach mission with Project Buena Vista. The founders of the project have such an intimate knowledge of the area and the people that I never really felt like a foreigner,” says Jody.
After embarking on this influential journey, Jody tells readers, “I feel passionate that touch, shared between cultures, is where peace begins. These things are invaluable in a world that seems bent on violence more than ever. One person can make a difference, I promise you.”
You can read Jody’s personal account of her trip to the Amazon rainforest here.